Analysis of WASP-14b data from the night of 2022-04-2324

Images discarded during image inspection due to wind buffeting telescope

6162 is an example of an image that is blurred but not terrible. I kept it.

More than 30 images were worse than 6162:

Here is a zsh script to move them into a subdirectory named blurred

setopt shwordsplit
BLURRED_IMAGES="6148 6152 6153 6155 6159 6160 6164 6167 6169 6170 6171 6172 6173 6176 6177 6178 6179 6183 6192 6195 6214 6220 6221 6229 6146 6147 6154 6156 6157 6158 6166 6182 6186 6187 6144"
  mv *$i\ blurred

We are now down to 187 images.

Image used for plate solving


Save seeing profile as FITS (but change the extension to .fit)

Seeing Profile

Aperture: 9

Annulus: 16, 24

Seeing profile (pixels, HWHM): 2.44

Seeing profile (pixels, FWHM): 4.89


WASP-14b Plot