Supernova Observation

A program of directed study and research aimed at pushing the limits of the Deep Springs Observatory and observing supernovae.

Spring Semester 2024, Deep Springs College

Mentor/Supervisor: Prof. Brian Hill

Student Researchers: Hexi Jin (DS 23) and Ethan Liao (DS 22)


Record of Work

Video Passovers

We have converted the written passover created by the prior spring’s team which we will upload to YouTube.

Usually the mount and OTA (optical tube assembly) are already set up on the permanent pier in the dome, and people wanting to use the already-set-up equipment can skip straight to Opening and Closing the Observatory to jump-start their observing.

ZTF24aahgqwk Observation and Analysis

In late January and early February, we worked on setup of the telescope both in the field and at the observatory, and also on setting up Python environments and learning scientific Python. The intermittenly bad weather of February and early March kept up when we wanted to begin observing, but luckily, almost exactly as the bad weather finally tailed off, a promising supernova in NGC 3443 was identified by the ZTF (Zwicky Transient Facility). Our 18 nights of data-taking for this supernova from late March to early May are summarized by our ZTF24aahgqwk Analysis.

ZTF24aahgqwk on 2024-03-20 in Sloan r ZTF24aahgqwk on 2024-03-20 with Sloan r’ filter