ZTF24aahgqwk Observation Log (dates are UTC)
Week of 2024-03-19
SUCCESS W/ 2.5 ‘2024-03-20’,
Removed 5 more of g to get alignment with 2024-
SUCCESS W/ 2.0 ‘2024-03-21’,
Removed 1 more of g
SUCCESS W/ 2.0 ‘2024-03-23’,
Got 2024-03-23 to align with these settings
aa.PIXEL_TOL = 3 # raised this from the default of 2 due to sometimes poor seeing or wind shake
aa.MIN_MATCHES_FRACTION = 0.2 # lowered this from the default of 0.8
aa.NUM_NEAREST_NEIGHBORS = 7 # raised this from the default of 5
detection_sigma = 1.4 # lowered this from the default of 3.0 due to align soft images
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-03-27’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-02’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-03’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-04’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-06’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-10’,
###SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-11’,
Removed 1 more shaky r
SUCCESS W/ 2.0 ‘2024-04-13’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-17’,
SUCCESS W/ 2.0 ‘2024-04-21’,
Removed 2 soft r images, 2 soft g images, and 1 g image with a satellite streak
SUCCESS W/ 2.0 ‘2024-04-22’,
SUCCESS W/ 2.0 ‘2024-04-23’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-29’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-04-30’,
SUCCESS W/ 3.0 ‘2024-05-02’
Due to merging of two copies of our observation logs, there is some redundancy in the text below.
- 2024-03-20 try observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443, which is very promising
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- DONE: images individually inspected; 2 r images tossed because motion, and 10 g images tossed because reference stars got too close to edge of frame
- 2024-03-21 observed and despite the waxing gibbous moon being nearby, it was so bright it was obvious, did a total of 60 of 30-second r exposures, and 60 of 30-second g exposures, but in groups of 30, all half-subframed and binned 3x3 2024-03-21 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443 despite weather barely cooperating (more notes on 2024-03-21?), was able to observe despite thin clouds forming – the images were done 30 red, 30 green, 30 red, 30 green rather than the usual 60 red 60 green, because of concern that the clouds would prevent any of the later images from being taken, but in fact, most of the images are ok, except possibly near the end some are useless
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- DONE: images individually inspected; 2 r images tossed because motion, 2 g images tossed because of satellite in frame, and 22 more g images tossed at the end of the session because of bright moon and thin clouds, leaving 36 g images
- 2024-03-23 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443 despite bright moon (or is it more notes on 2024-03-23?) 96% full moon is only 6° from the target, but happily, the supernova is still bright enough to observe, we had to jog the telescope 5 arc-minutes to the left (5’ increase in RA)
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- DONE: Stacked but had to reduce detection_sigma to 2.0 due to bright moon 6° from target
- TODO: still need to individually individually inspect images, but tossed two r images with poor signal-to-noise
- 2023-03-25, pre-dawn, continue ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443 pre-dawn due to bad evening weather (pre-dawn), not a great observing session, filter wheel in unknown position, air turbulent, target down around 20° and dropping, did 30, 30, 15, and 15, but it isn’t known what positions the filter was in (!)
- NOTE: Chucked the problematic 2023-03-25 images, in light of filter wheel position problem, and others
Week of 2024-03-26
- 2023-03-27 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443 (with Jack, friend of Mac’s) moon is now improving
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
Week of 2024-04-02
- 2024-04-02 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
- 2024-04-03 (with Hexi) windy and cold but clear after storm, again had to operate laptop from dome, scope temp at beginning about 8.0° and focus was best about 5341, but it was tough to get a good read due to poor seeing 2024-04-03 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
- 2024-04-04 (with Ethan) best night this spring, keyboard now working, scope temp at beginning about 12.5° and focus was best about 5067 2024-04-04 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
- 2024-04-05 (with Hexi) started early because forecast showed clouds late, some wind buffeting while focusing, scope temp at beginning about 14.8° and focus was best about 5090, some images may be too wind-buffeted – toss them – there was a break in observing about 9:30pm local time (did we bump the keyboard?)
- NOTE: There was no data saved from this session due to noted issues
- 2024-04-06 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
Week of 2024-04-09
- 2024-04-10 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
- 2024-04-11 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: images individually inspected
- 2024-04-12 take calibration images
- DONE: calibration images sorted into subdirectories
- 2024-04-13 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- DONE: Stacked, but poor focus or bad seeing, especially in g, forced detection_sigma = 2.0
- TODO: images individually inspected
Week of 2024-04-16
- 2024-04-17 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: lights individually inspected
- 2024-04-21 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443 but now with 120 in green because green is getting faint
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- DONE: Stacked, but poor focus or bad seeing forced detection_sigma = 2.0, and I still had to toss two of the softest g images, but since there are now 120 g images, so that leaves 118 of them
- TODO: lights individually inspected
- 2024-04-22 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- DONE: Stacked, but poor focus or bad seeing forced detection_sigma = 2.0, and arrival of clouds caused me to toss 26 of the 120 g images
- TODO: lights individually inspected
Week of 2024-04-23
- 2024-04-23 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: lights individually inspected
- 2024-04-29 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443, but bright moon and passing clouds at the end of the g series — particularly important to inspect for bad images — discard anything with median over 700? — as an example look at 00009373.NGC 3443.fit
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: lights individually inspected
Week of 2024-04-30
- 2024-04-30 continue observing ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: lights individually inspected
- 2024-05-02 final observation session for ZTF 24aahgqwk in NGC 3443
- DONE: lights sorted into subdirectories
- TODO: lights individually inspected