Overall Unit Outline (from
Unit 3: Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation — The Composition and Properties of The Sun and the Planets.
Unit 3 Detailed Topic List
2020-03-16: Newton's Laws: F=ma. Mass. Density. Textbook Section 3.2:
Newton's Laws of Motion
. Galileo's Version of Newton's First Law:
Salvatius and Sagredus Discuss Relativity
Unit 2
2020-03-20: Newton's Laws: F=G m_1 m_2 / r^2. Textbook Section 3.3:
Newton's Universal Law of Gravitation
2020-03-23: Mass, Volume, and Density of the Planets. Textbook Section 7.1:
Solar System Densities
. Worksheet:
Solar System Densities
. Javier's Worksheet Solution:
Solar System Densities
2020-03-25: Energy and Power. Textbook Section 16.1:
Energy and Power
. Example:
If the Sun Was Made of Coal
, how long would it last?.
2020-03-27: E=mc^2. Textbook Section 16.2:
What Powers the Sun
. Periodic Table. Binding Energy per Nucleon. Slides:
Fission, Fusion, Structure of the Sun
2020-03-30: If the Sun Was Made of Hydrogen, how long would it last? Notes and Examples:
Elements, Fusion, and the Sun
. Textbook Section 15.1:
Structure and Composition of the Sun
. Luminosity. Intensity.
2020-04-01: Chemical Composition of the Planets. Reading Abundances Tables (Log Plot). Solar System Disk. What is Rock? Rocky Planets. Gaseous Planets. Slides:
Elements of the Solar System
2020-04-03: Start
Unit 4
2020-04-06 to 2020-04-13: Spring Break.
2020-04-15: Review of Unit 3. Summaries:
Gravitation Formulas and Examples
Energy and Power Formulas and Examples
. Ocean Tides as Explained by Newton. Textbook Section 4.6:
Ocean Tides and the Moon
. Kepler's P^2=a^3 Explained by Newton. Derivation: Kepler's P^2=a^3 from Newton.
Unit 3 Exam
Unit 3 Exam Solution