Numerical Analysis Daily Schedule Term 3

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See also: Daily Schedule Term 2

Week 8 — Best Fits of Various Types (Linear, Exponential, Logarithmic, Power Law)

Week 9 — Distributions and Statistical Tests

Friday’s class canceled due to COVID outbreak (make-up Nov. 20)

Week 10 — Distributions and Statistical Tests, Continued

Week 11 — Statistical Tests, Concluded — Numerical Methods: Root Finding (Newton’s Method)

Week 12 — Numerical Methods: Differential Equations (Euler’s Method)

Makeup class on Sunday before Thanksgiving

Week 13 — Numerical Methods: Integration (Simpson’s Rule)

Week 14 — Term 3 Exam — Start Special Projects

Week 15 — Present Special Projects

Special Projects: Choose a program we have not worked through or extend a program that we have already worked through. Explain the theory. Illustrate it with examples. Prepare 15-minute presentations for the last day.